Tuesday, 14 February 2017


Now a days MMA is very famous for being the world best Martial arts. Fighters from different field of Martial arts combines their skills with other Martial arts to become a complete fighter. Now the question is are they really a complete fighter....!!!

For understanding this, we have to first understand the definition of MMA. 

MMA is Mix Martial arts system.

Now to be very specific, MMA IS NOT AT ALL A MARTIAL ARTS. However it can be called as Mix Fighting arts and not mixed Martial arts. Because Martial arts is a very broad term as I have written in my very first blog. For any system to be called as Martial arts, it should cover below things. 

Physical Martial arts
Internal Martial arts
Mental Martial arts
Spiritual Martial arts.

But current MMA is totally focused on Physical portion of  Martial arts. As can be seen in these sports fighting, Internal Martial arts, Mental Martial arts, Spiritual portions of Martial arts can no where be found. These fighters abuse each other a lot. Many times they cheat in sports just to win. Many of them keep on hitting other fighter who has already fainted, etc. etc. These things are never part of any real Martial arts.


This statement is not something new I said. Many knowledgeable martial artist have said this. MMA is too much focused on Empty Hand combat System. To be more specific, Empty Hand Sports Combat System. I mentioned the word sports because MMA players fights with certain rules but in real combat system there are no rules. 

Some universal rules in MMA fighting are as below:

·        No groin attacks- This is a kind of attack in real fight fear of which changes the style of whole fight. Then real MMA fight will not be what we see in a cage.
·     No knees to the head on a grounded opponent- Knee to head on ground opponent can lead to sudden death or heavy shock on the brain. This happens in real fights.

·       No strikes to the back of the head or the spine- Hitting back spine even one time can lead to a paralysed body for lifetime. Hitting back of the neck can also give one an instant knockout in one or two blows but it damages your brain system.

·        No head butts - Head butts are not allowed which can injure opponent a lot.

·      No eye gouging- Who wants his eyes to be gouged out in a sports fight. Only one fight with this included will make one blind. After this Martial arts career is finished.

·       No fish hooking- Think about person putting Fingers inside one's mouth and tearing it apart. This happens in street fight where there is no rules.

·       No biting- One of the most natural weapon of body. I met one fighter in my Kung Fu combat study who took out finger of one person by biting him in a fight. He came to know about this finger in his mouth when this Guy ran away after the fight.

·     No hair pulling- One of the easiest thing to attack. Few Hair pulling strategy can instantly incapacitate an attacker/ Grappler. One should also know how to get out from hair pulls in a fight. This is not present in MMA.

·      No strikes or grabbing of the throat- Used for fainting and killing the opponent. This is done very quickly in a close range fighting. Below is just a very small example.

·      No manipulation of the fingers or toes- Finger locks and finger tearing are very easy to apply and the most dangeorus lock. Who wants a broken finger in a fight...!!!

·    No intentional grabbing of the ring or cage- Just imagine a fight in a bathroom, Drawing room with tables and bed, On bed, On sofa, in Kitchen, On stairs, On open terrace where you are in danger of falling, in a jungle, in water, in mountains and terrain where one uses each and every thing in a fight. This is not there in sports.

Personally i do believe that practicing sport combat with certain rules trains reflexes and other features necessary required in a street combat. But this sparing should be done safely so that one do not get injured.

Sparing should always be injury free as who knows when you have to apply in reality what you have learned. If you are injured after a sports fight then all will be in vain if something happens in real on street. However I don't have much right to say this. As i am a Muay Thai sports fighter too and I keep on injuring myself in fights. Minor injuries are acceptable but not any major injury like below pictures.

Above were just a few limitations of MMA. Other limitations are below not available in current MMA. I learned/ learning this from Kung Fu and Kalaripayattu study.

1. Weapons Practice.

2. Weapons vs Empty Hand System

3. Weapons vs Weapons fight

4. One weapon vs Other Weapon

5. Multiple opponents fighting coming from all directions. Most of the time if one faces multiple opponents they will be unskilled. So a Martial artist has to be/ can be very quick in fighting against multiple unskilled opponent. Here fighting strategy changes where one do not keep on waiting, looking for an opening in a fight but here one has to be very quick minded and has to keep on moving inside his opponent to take him down.

6.Weapon vs Multiple opponents

7. Weapon vs multiple armed opponents.

8. And now think all the above cases to be applied in a bathroom drawing room with table  and sofa, on bed, In kitchen, on open terrace where you are in danger of falling, In a jungle, in water, in mountains and terrain where one uses each and every thing including walls in a fight. This is not there in sports.

9. 108 Marma strikes available in Kalaripayattu.

10. Marma Healing system available in Kalaripayattu. One of the most important point to learn for any real Martial artist. As my Kalari Guru says- Many of the martial artist knows how to injure someone but we Kalari practitioners knows how to heal the same.

So there is too much to learn and explore in any really called MMA. 

See I appreciate MMA people for their skills and i am too a MMA practitioner, though of different type (just see my introduction). But still if anyone of you are pissed off with my explanation and want to challenge me, then I will say come fight with weapon. This is just for MMA people to let them know the reality and not for everyone. I respect everyone and I know i am not the best fighter in world. However iam trying to be good fighter in every kind of situation. There will be many who will be better than me. I appreciate MMA and believe it works on streets in some cases but I want people to learn real MMA covering all the portions of Martial arts as I often see people of MMA disrespecting students/ teachers of other Traditional Martial arts. They just don't understand they know only a portion of Martial arts and not full martial arts itself. So after reading this blog I expect all MMA people to respect people of other Traditional Martial arts and more better will be to learn from each other.


Ranjit Mishra
Martial Warriors Academy
Email- ranjitmishramartialarts@gmail.com

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Rapists needs to learn Kalaripayattu to stop rape


This statement I heard from one of the student of my Kalaripayattu Guruji. From her I came to know this is a thought of my Guruji. You might be thinking this statement is foolish. When i heard this statement I started thinking on it for  a while. And then I found this statement to be very true.

As per my Guruji (he tries to explain everything scientifically), we all are filled with Energy. If we are able to do any work then this Energy is required to perform any task. Even for speaking a word, Energy is required. Their is nothing special iam saying. Science has proven this. Some people are able to utilize this energy in good things which helps them to develop in life and therefore we find good things in the world. Some people use their Energy in wrong things as they do not get the right Environment. So they will release their energy in wrong things and thus we have Crimes like rapes. Now if their Energy can be diverted in right things like Kalaripayattu (and not just any fighting art where they are mentally conditioned for hating others) practice where they daily dissipate their energy in learning right things then Rape like thing will rarely exists in their mind. This martial arts style also helps people to develop mentally and spiritually.

Now i am explaining this statement in different way too.

If one including Rapists, starts learning Real Martial arts, then as i have explained earlier in my first blog, this will help him develop in four fields. Physical, Internal, Mental and Spiritual.

Earlier blog link:

If anyone uses their daily energy in developing physically a lot, then one will rarely get a time thinking about wrong things. You can see this in anyone who really spends his time in developing physically. However this is not enough. Developing in other fields is also necessary as explained below.

If one practices Internal Martial arts, then this helps him in getting a pure and balanced Energy/ Prana / Chi. Balance in energy means balance in Sun Energy (Surya Nadi) and Moon Energy (Chandra Nadi) inside the body. Any imbalance (Excess or deficient) in the body, will lead to disease. I will explain more about the Internal Martial arts in some other blog. Restricting myself to this blog, Crime like Rape is a result of Excess of Sun energy (but not limited to this only) inside body too. Sexual Energy is a part of Sun energy. On can do sex, if he has this Sun Energy inside his body. But when this energy gets increased a lot, then thoughts of releasing these energies automatically comes in Mind. Rapes are just one kind of example of such Excess energy. Practicing Internal Martial arts helps one in balancing those energies.

If one practices Mental Martial arts, this means he/she is well aware of his Mind condition. This means he/she is always aware of all the negative thoughts coming in his mind and can control all such thoughts at his/her will. So even if a thought of Rape comes in one's mind who practices Mental Martial arts, he/she can control that energy or divert that energy in some positive work.

Best part of all is if one is developing spiritually in Martial arts, then this means he/she has control or can control/ divert all kinds of thoughts like Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and attachment. Rapes are a product of all such negative vices. Rapes happen when all these vices Lust, Anger, Greed, Ego and Attachment takes over one's mind.

Please note: I have mentioned the name Kalaripayattu specifically in my headline as this is statement of my Guruji. However I feel any good and Real Martial arts can change anyone.


Ranjit Mishra
Martial Warriors Academy
Email- ranjitmishramartialarts@gmail.com